
Improvement of magnetic field detectivity in electrical 1/f noise-dominated tunnel magnetoresistive sensors by AC magnetic field modulation technique

MDR Open Deposited

Suppression of 1/f noise in tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) sensors is a central issue in the realization of magnetic field sensors with ultrafine magnetic field detectivity. Although AC modulation with an external magnetic field has been proposed as a method to shift the operating frequency of a sensor to a high frequency and substantially suppress 1/f noise, its effects on the two types of 1/f noise, that is, magnetic and electrical 1/f noise, are not well understood. In this study, we investigated the noise characteristics and signal detection performance of TMR sensors with an even-function resistance-magnetic field curve operated by the AC modulation method. For one TMR device in which the magnetic 1/f noise was dominant, AC modulation degraded the magnetic field detectivity owing to the additional noise induced by the AC modulation field. However, in another TMR device, in which the electrical 1/f noise was artificially enhanced by introducing lattice defects in the MgO tunnel barrier, AC modulation effectively suppressed the 1/f noise and improved the magnetic field detectivity by one order. This demonstrates that the AC modulation method using an external magnetic field is effective for magnetic field sensors in which electrical 1/f noise is dominant.

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Date published
  • 07/12/2023
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  • This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Tomoya Nakatani. Appl. Phys. 134, 213904 (2023) and may be found at
Manuscript type
  • Accepted manuscript
Last modified
  • 16/02/2024
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