Analysis of electron inelastic scattering in solids over wide energy range and its application to surface chemical analysis
We have, then, calculated IMFPs for 41 elemental solids and 30 semiconductors from 10 eV to 200 keV. These calculations were made with optical energy-loss functions (ELFs) using the relativistic full Penn algorithm (FPA). The ELFs for semiconductors were obtained from first-principles calculations with the WIEN2K and FEFF codes from1 eV to 1 MeV. Our calculated IMFPs could be fitted to a modified relativistic Bethe equation for inelastic scattering of electron in matter for energies from 50 eV to 200 keV. The new IMFPs were also compared with IMFPs from the predictive TPP-2M equation that was modified to include relativistic effects. We will also show the mean escape depths of photoelectrons in wide energy range as an example of the applications of IMFPs.
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