
Raw data files for Fig. 6 Auger depth profiles in "Auger Depth Profiling Analysis of HfO2/Si Specimen Using an Ultra Low Angle Incidence Ion Beam"

MDR Open Deposited

We have investigated the Auger depth profiling analysis of HfO2/Si by the glancing-angle ion beam sputtering method at an incident angle of 7 degree from the sample surface with argon ion beam. The depth resolutions of the O KLL interface profiles were 0.9 nm and 1.5 nm, at the ion-beam acceleration voltage of 2.0 kV and 3.0 kV re-spectively, which were better than the depth resolutions at a commonly-used incident angle of 51 degree. However, the ion-beam-induced reduction of HfO2 was not suppressed by the glancing-angle ion beam sputtering at the ion acceleration voltage of 0.5 kV, which is expected to be the lowest damage sputtering condition in this study. The reduction of HfO2 due to preferential sputtering of oxygen was observed by the intensity ratio of O KLL and Hf NVV depth profiles. It was found that the ratio of preferential sputtering depends on the ion incidence angle and the ion acceleration voltage. Under the glancing-angle condition, the ratio of preferential sputtering greatly de-pended on the ion accelerating voltage, and it was found that the lower the ion acceleration voltage is, the easier it is for O to be sputtered than Hf. On the other hand, under the commonly-used incident angle conditions, the ratio of preferential sputtering did not depend much on the ion acceleration voltage. The dependency of the ratio of preferential sputtering on the ion incidence angle can be explained by the difference in sputtering models depend-ing on the ion incidence angle. It was found that the O KLL depth profiles showed partial recovery of the oxygen intensity near the interface of HfO2/Si, which can be related to oxygen generated by the ion-beam-induced decom-position of the diffusion layer at the interface. In addition, the glancing-angle ion beam enables the reduction of the effect of recoil implantation of Hf atoms into the Si substrate.

Alternative title
  • “極低角度入射ビームオージェ深さ方向分析によるHfO2/Si基板の分析”の Raw data ファイル
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Data origin
Date published
  • 07/03/2019
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Last modified
  • 30/03/2024
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Characterization methods
Specimen type
Chemical composition
