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Healing behavior of microcracks on the surface of yttria-stabilized polycrystals using an ultrafast high-temperature sintering method
1 of 100
Enhanced tunnel magnetoresistance of Fe/MgGa2O4/Fe(001) magnetic tunnel junctions by interface-tuning with atomic-scale MgO insertion layers
2 of 100
Interface-specific excitation of coherent phonons at the buried GaP/Si(001) heterointerface
3 of 100
Interplay of valley polarized dark trion and dark exciton-polaron in monolayer WSe2
4 of 100
Ballistic transport spectroscopy of spin-orbit-coupled bands in monolayer graphene on WSe2
5 of 100
Exciton Superposition across Moiré States in a Semiconducting Moiré Superlattice
6 of 100
Evidence for two dimensional anisotropic Luttinger liquids at millikelvin temperatures
7 of 100
Phonon-enhanced nonlinearities in hexagonal boron nitride
8 of 100
Harmonic to anharmonic tuning of moiré potential leading to unconventional Stark effect and giant dipolar repulsion in WS2/WSe2 heterobilayer
9 of 100
Encoding multistate charge order and chirality in endotaxial heterostructures
10 of 100
Kapitza-resistance-like exciton dynamics in atomically flat MoSe2-WSe2 lateral heterojunction
11 of 100
Thermodynamic behavior of correlated electron-hole fluids in van der Waals heterostructures
12 of 100
Silicon–van der Waals heterointegration for CMOS-compatible logic-in-memory design
13 of 100
Coherent charge oscillations in a bilayer graphene double quantum dot
14 of 100
Iono–Magnonic Reservoir Computing With Chaotic Spin Wave Interference Manipulated by Ion‐Gating
15 of 100
Measurements of in-plane thermophysical properties on nanoscale-thick films by lock-in thermography
16 of 100
Localisation-to-delocalisation transition of moiré excitons in WSe2/MoSe2 heterostructures
17 of 100
Enhanced the luminescent performance of CsPbI3 quantum dot-embedded borosilicate glass by controlling crystallization using Dy3+ ions as nucleating agent for remote color-tunable LEDs
18 of 100
Higher order gaps in the renormalized band structure of doubly aligned hBN/bilayer graphene moiré superlattice
19 of 100
Supercurrent mediated by helical edge modes in bilayer graphene
20 of 100
Non-volatile electrical polarization switching via domain wall release in 3R-MoS2 bilayer
21 of 100
Quantum octets in high mobility pentagonal two-dimensional PdSe2
22 of 100
Uncovering the spin ordering in magic-angle graphene via edge state equilibration
23 of 100
Layer-polarized ferromagnetism in rhombohedral multilayer graphene
24 of 100
Excitonic Mott insulator in a Bose-Fermi-Hubbard system of moiré WS2/WSe2 heterobilayer
25 of 100
Highly tunable ground and excited state excitonic dipoles in multilayer 2H-MoSe2
26 of 100
Tunneling current-controlled spin states in few-layer van der Waals magnets
27 of 100
Tunable exciton valley-pseudospin orders in moiré superlattices
28 of 100
Strongly coupled magneto-exciton condensates in large-angle twisted double bilayer graphene
29 of 100
Observation of phonon Stark effect
30 of 100
Electrically driven amplification of terahertz acoustic waves in graphene
31 of 100
Correlation-driven nonequilibrium exciton site transition in a WSe2/WS2 moiré supercell
32 of 100
Ferrielectricity controlled widely-tunable magnetoelectric coupling in van der Waals multiferroics
33 of 100
Doping-control of excitons and magnetism in few-layer CrSBr
34 of 100
Built-in Bernal gap in large-angle-twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene
35 of 100
Electrical spectroscopy of polaritonic nanoresonators
36 of 100
Electrical noise spectroscopy of magnons in a quantum Hall ferromagnet
37 of 100
The decay curves of luminescence from Eu<sup>2+</sup> in β-SiAlON are effectively analyzed using the general-order kinetics formula
38 of 100
Current Status and Advances in Zinc Anodes for Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc-Air Batteries
39 of 100
Enhanced laser-induced single-cycle terahertz generation in a spintronic emitter with a gradient interface
40 of 100
Development of L10-ordered FePt with low damping and large perpendicular magnetic anisotropy by engineering the nanostructure
41 of 100
Enhanced photoluminescence intensity of buried InGaAs/GaAs(001) quantum wells by sulfur termination
42 of 100
Universality of quantum phase transitions in the integer and fractional quantum Hall regimes
43 of 100
Strongly coupled edge states in a graphene quantum Hall interferometer
44 of 100
Optical control of multiple resistance levels in graphene for memristic applications
45 of 100
Self-heating effects and switching dynamics in graphene multiterminal Josephson junctions
46 of 100
Ultrafast Opto‐Electronic and Thermal Tuning of Third‐Harmonic Generation in a Graphene Field Effect Transistor
47 of 100
Spin transport of a doped Mott insulator in moiré heterostructures
48 of 100
Ultrafast Floquet engineering of Fermi-polaron resonances in charge-tunable monolayer WSe2 devices
49 of 100
Thermal relaxation of strain and twist in ferroelectric hexagonal boron nitride moiré interfaces
50 of 100
Suppression of symmetry-breaking correlated insulators in a rhombohedral trilayer graphene superlattice
51 of 100
Moiré magnetism in CrBr3 multilayers emerging from differential strain
52 of 100
Spin-orbit proximity in MoS2/bilayer graphene heterostructures
53 of 100
Polarity‐Reversal of Exchange Bias in van der Waals FePS<sub>3</sub>/Fe<sub>3</sub>GaTe<sub>2</sub> Heterostructures
54 of 100
Tunable even- and odd-denominator fractional quantum Hall states in trilayer graphene
55 of 100
Magnetoresistance Oscillations in Vertical Junctions of 2D Antiferromagnetic Semiconductor
<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>CrPS</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>
56 of 100
Minigap-induced negative differential resistance in multilayer
<mml:math xmlns:mml=""><mml:mrow><mml:mi>Mo</mml:mi><mml:msub><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">S</mml:mi><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>
-based tunnel junctions
57 of 100
Topological flat bands in a family of multilayer graphene moiré lattices
58 of 100
Nb impurity-bound excitons as quantum emitters in monolayer WS2
59 of 100
60 of 100
Impact of temperature on the brightening of neutral and charged dark excitons in WSe<sub>2</sub> monolayer
61 of 100
Locally Doped Transferred Contacts for WSe<sub>2</sub> Transistors
62 of 100
High Efficiency of Exciton-Polariton Lasing in a 2D Multilayer Structure
63 of 100
High-temperature Brown-Zak oscillations in graphene/hBN moiré field effect transistor fabricated using molecular beam epitaxy
64 of 100
Interplay of valley, layer and band topology towards interacting quantum phases in moiré bilayer graphene
65 of 100
Extreme electron–hole drag and negative mobility in the Dirac plasma of graphene
66 of 100
Exciton-Exciton Interactions in Van der Waals Heterobilayers
67 of 100

Deterministic fabrication of graphene hexagonal boron nitride moiré superlattices
68 of 100
Charge pumping in h-BN-encapsulated graphene driven by surface acoustic waves
69 of 100
Engineering band structures of two-dimensional materials with remote moiré ferroelectricity
70 of 100
Exchange Energy of the Ferromagnetic Electronic Ground State in a Monolayer Semiconductor
71 of 100
Controlled interlayer exciton ionization in an electrostatic trap in atomically thin heterostructures
72 of 100
Evidence for correlated electron pairs and triplets in quantum Hall interferometers
73 of 100
Correlated topological flat bands in rhombohedral graphite
74 of 100
Electronic ferroelectricity in monolayer graphene moiré superlattices
75 of 100
Electrically tunable giant Nernst effect in two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures
76 of 100
Chiral flat-band optical cavity with atomically thin mirrors
77 of 100
Co-Dominant Piezoelectric and Flexoelectric Effects in Twisted Double Bilayer Graphene
78 of 100
Electrical switching of spin-polarized light-emitting diodes based on a 2D CrI3/hBN/WSe2 heterostructure
79 of 100
Electrically tunable layer-hybridized trions in doped WSe2 bilayers
80 of 100
Dry Transfer of van der Waals Junctions of Two-Dimensional Materials onto Patterned Substrates Using Plasticized Poly(vinyl chloride)/Kamaboko-Shaped Polydimethylsiloxane
81 of 100
A graphite thermal Tesla valve driven by hydrodynamic phonon transport
82 of 100
Phase Diagram Analysis of High-Pressure/High-Temperature Polymorphs of Ammonia Borane
83 of 100
Achieving nearly barrier free transport in high mobility ReS2 phototransistors with van der Waals contacts
84 of 100
Moiré band structure engineering using a twisted boron nitride substrate
85 of 100
Anomalous Tunneling Magnetoresistance Oscillation and Electrically Tunable Tunneling Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in Few‐Layer CrPS<sub>4</sub>
86 of 100
3D hydrogen-like screening effect on excitons in hBN-encapsulated monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
87 of 100
Time-domain signatures of distinct correlated insulators in a moiré superlattice
88 of 100
Charge Transfer-Induced Weakening of Vibronic Coupling for Single Terrylene Molecules Adsorbed onto Hexagonal Boron Nitride
89 of 100
Fast and versatile electrodeposition of vertically aligned layered rare-earth hydroxide nanosheets for multicolour luminescence and oil/water separation
90 of 100
A back-to-back diode model applied to van der Waals Schottky diodes
91 of 100
Cavity Floquet engineering
92 of 100
Direct View of Gate-Tunable Miniband Dispersion in Graphene Superlattices Near the Magic Twist Angle
93 of 100
Imaging interlayer exciton superfluidity in a 2D semiconductor heterostructure
94 of 100
Anomalous Landau Level Gaps Near Magnetic Transitions in Monolayer <mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi>WSe</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>2</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow></mml:math>
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Scanning probe spectroscopy of sulfur vacancies and MoS<sub>2</sub> monolayers in side-contacted van der Waals heterostructures
96 of 100
Observation of 1/3 fractional quantum Hall physics in balanced large angle twisted bilayer graphene
97 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol. 92]MANA Scientists Employ Active Machine Learning to Enhance Thermoelectric Performance of Materials
98 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol. 91]MANA Develops Ferroelectric-ferromagnetic Materials for Next-generation Electronics
99 of 100
Stabilisation of solid-state cubic ammonia confined in a glass substance at ambient temperature under atmospheric pressure
100 of 100