This collection of data has been compiled at the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) with the cooperation of related organizations for the purpose of wide use of X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) spectra.
The data published in this collection are publicly known data, and the data providers have guaranteed that the publication of the data does not violate the Copyright Law, the Personal Information Protection Law, or any other laws and regulations by submitting the "Application for Data Publication in the Materials Data Repository (MDR)".
The data providers as of June 2023 are as follows.
- Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute
- Ritsumeikan SR Center
- Hokkaido University, Institute for Catalysis
- Photon Factory, KEK
- Aichi SR, Aichi Synchrotron Radiation Center
- SAGA-LS, Kyushu Synchrotron Light Research Center
The data published in this repository can be used to determine the electronic state and local structure of materials. Please refer to the readme for file formats and other details. For details of analysis methods, please refer to the many references available.
Information on substances and measurements is compiled from metadata provided by relevant organizations into a format suitable for data linkage on the Data Platform (DPF), and used for display and search. For substances, IDs (Q numbers) are assigned, and the substances are classified and managed in a dictionary. This dictionary can be browsed as "NIMS XAFS DB Project Materials Dictionary" on NIMS's materials vocabulary website MatVoc Explorer. For measurements, information from each organization is included as is, so it can be used for new measurements and analysis.
The metadata provided by the related organizations can be downloaded in three different formats depending on the purpose of use.
- tsv format: Converted to a flat Key-Value format that is easy to display in MDRs and spreadsheets.
- json format: A hierarchical structure expressed in a format suitable for organizing data in a machine.
- yaml format: A hierarchical structure expressed in paragraphs, etc., that is easier for people to read than json format.
In principle, the license for the data listed here is "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike" (the data may be used under the conditions that the source is clearly indicated, the data is used for noncommercial purposes, and the same terms of use elements as the original data are given). However, it is possible to use the data as supporting data (e.g., as reference spectra for commercial measurements) even in commercial applications. Please consult with us in advance for large batch commercial use. If you wish to cite the data in an academic paper, please indicate the source clearly.
(Example) In this study, we used the data published in MDR XAFS DB [1,2].
[1] Masashi Ishii, Hiroko Nagao, Kosuke Tanabe, Asahiko Matsuda, and Hideki Yoshikawa. "MDR XAFS DB". Materials Data Repository, National Institute for Materials Science. (2021)
[2] Masashi Ishii, Kosuke Tanabe, Asahiko Matsuda, Hironori Ofuchi, Takahiro Matsumoto, Toyonari Yaji, Yasuhiro Inada, Hiroaki Nitani, Masao Kimura and Kiyotaka Asakura, “Integration of X-ray absorption fine structure databases for data-driven materials science” Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods, Volume 3, 2023 - Issue 1, 2197518
Data quality is not included in the publication criteria of this collection. Use of the data is left to the discretion of the user.
本コレクションは、X線吸収微細構造(X-ray Absorption Fine Structure, XAFS)スペクトルの広い利用を目的に、関係機関のご協力の下、国立研究開発法人物質・材料研究機構(NIMS)にて編纂したものです。
- 公益財団法人 高輝度光科学研究センター
- 立命館大学 SRセンター
- 北海道大学 触媒科学研究所
- 高エネルギー加速器研究機構 フォトンファクトリー
- あいちシンクロトロン光センター あいちSR
- 九州シンクロトロン光センター SAGA-LS
物質及び測定に関する情報は、関係機関から提供されたメタデータから、データプラットフォーム(DPF)におけるデータ連携に適した形式に編纂されて、表示・検索に使われています。物質についてはID(Q番号)を付与して語彙分類して管理しています。この辞書は、NIMSの材料語彙サイトMatVoc Explorerの「NIMS XAFS DB Project Materials Dictionary"」で閲覧することができます。測定については、各機関からの情報をそのまま収録してありますので、新たな測定・解析に活用することができます。
- tsv形式:読みやすい形でMDRや表ソフトなどで表示するために、フラットなkey-value形式に変換したものです。
- json形式:階層構造を、機械を使ったデータ整理に適した形式で表現したものです
- yaml形式:json形式よりも人が読みやすいように、段落等で階層構造を表現したものです
文例: 本研究では、MDR XAFS DB [1,2]で公開されているデータを使用しました。
[1] Masashi Ishii, Hiroko Nagao, Kosuke Tanabe, Asahiko Matsuda, and Hideki Yoshikawa. "MDR XAFS DB". Materials Data Repository, National Institute for Materials Science. (2021)
[2] Masashi Ishii, Kosuke Tanabe, Asahiko Matsuda, Hironori Ofuchi, Takahiro Matsumoto, Toyonari Yaji, Yasuhiro Inada, Hiroaki Nitani, Masao Kimura and Kiyotaka Asakura, “Integration of X-ray absorption fine structure databases for data-driven materials science” Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods, Volume 3, 2023 - Issue 1, 2197518.