Superconducting Properties of a Nb3Sn Bundle Cable Made of Ultra-Fine Wires
We have been developing A15 cables made of ultra-fine wires for high-field superconducting magnets using react-and-wind (R&W) technology. Recently, we succeeded in fabricating a bronze-processed Nb3Sn ultra-fine wire with a minimum diameter of 30 µm. This wire contains 19 filaments and has a Cu/Non-Cu ratio of 0.89. In this study, we measured the transport critical current (Ic) of a Nb3Sn bundle cable made by twisting 19 wires with a diameter of 50 µm at 4.2 K and under an external field up to 18 T. The Non-Cu critical current density (Jc) was also calculated from the Ic results. To replicate the R&W process, the cable was wound on glass fiber-reinforced plastic cylinder (GFRP) bobbins after the heat treatment in straight geometry. To investigate the bending characteristics of the bundle cables, we prepared four GFRP bobbins with diameters of 50 mm, 30 mm, 25 mm, and 20 mm for Ic measurements.
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- Date published
- 22/02/2023
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- Last modified
- 30/01/2024