
Nitrogen concentration control during diamond growth for NV centre formation

MDR Open Deposited

In this paper, the controllability of the nitrogen concentration in diamond was evaluated for two representative growth methods. One is the high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) synthesis method and the other is chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. The nitrogen concentration in the diamond was controlled by the ratio of nitrogen getter material in the metal solvent in the HPHT method, and by the gas flow ratio of carbon to nitrogen in the CVD method. The nitrogen concentration of HPHT-grown diamond decreased semi-logarithmically with increasing titanium or aluminum contents in the metal solvent. The nitrogen concentration of CVD-grown diamond increased linearly with increasing the flow rate ratio of nitrogen to carbon. The diamond crystals were irradiated with 2MeV electron beams so that 10% of the nitrogen at the substitutional site became NV− centers, and the negatively charged NV− centers were successfully formed preferentially. The T2 of these diamond crystals was inversely proportional to the nitrogen concentration.

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Date published
  • 22/01/2024
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Manuscript type
  • Accepted manuscript
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