Surfactant-Free Aqueous Fabrication of Macroporous Silicone Monoliths for Flexible Thermal Insulation
Due to the highly hydrophobic nature of silicone, it has been necessary to use a surfactant in the preparation of monolithic macroporous materials using the sol-gel method. The unwanted surfactant must be completely removed before drying, and washing requires a large amount of solvent and time. In this study, a surfactant-free preparation method was developed by modifying the composition of the silicon alkoxide used as raw material. The obtained monoliths recovered their original shape even after 80% uniaxial compression and significant bending, and exhibited high water repellency. The thermal conductivity at room temperature was about 0.035 W m-1 K-1, which did not change even after 60% compression. It is expected to be used for thermal insulation in confined spaces.
シリコーンは疎水性が高いため、ゾル-ゲル法でモノリス型マクロ多孔体を作製する際には、これまで界面活性剤を使用する必要があった。不純物である界面活性剤は乾燥前に完全除去する必要があり、洗浄には大量の溶媒と時間を要する問題が存在した。本研究では、原料として用いるケイ素アルコキシドの組成を工夫することで、界面活性剤を使用しない作製法に成功した。得られたモノリスは、80%の単軸圧縮や大幅な曲げ後にも元の形状を回復し、高い撥水性を示した。室温における熱伝導率は約0.035 W m−1 K−1であり、60%まで圧縮してもこの熱伝導率は変わらなかった。狭い空間における断熱応用が期待される。
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- 27/07/2021
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- This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan following peer review. The version of record Gen Hayase, Surfactant-Free Aqueous Fabrication of Macroporous Silicone Monoliths for Flexible Thermal Insulation, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Volume 94, Issue 9, September 2021, Pages 2210–2215 is available online at:
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- Accepted manuscript
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