
Few- and single-molecule reservoir computing experimentally demonstrated with surface-enhanced Raman scattering and ion gating

MDR Open Deposited

Molecule-based reservoir computing (RC) is promising for achieving low power consumption neuromorphic computing, although information-processing capability of small numbers of molecules is not clear. Here, we report a few- and single-molecule RC that employs the molecular vibration dynamics in the para-mercaptobenzoic acid (pMBA) detected by surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) with tungsten oxide nanorod/silver nanoparticles. The Raman signals of the pMBA molecules, adsorbed at the SERS active site of the nanorod, were reversibly perturbated by the application of voltage-induced local pH changes near the molecules, and then used to perform time-series analysis tasks. Despite the small number of molecules employed, our system achieved good performance, including >95% accuracy in various nonlinear waveform transformations, 94.3% accuracy in solving a second-order nonlinear dynamic system, and a prediction error of 25.0 mg/dl in a 15-minute ahead blood glucose level prediction. Our work provides a concept of few-molecular computing with practical computation capabilities.

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Date published
  • 28/02/2024
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Manuscript type
  • Version of record (Published version)
