
Degradation of vertical GaN diodes during proton and xenon-ion irradiation

MDR Open Deposited

We investigated the material stability of a vertical GaN Schottky barrier diode (SBD) against proton irradiations by making real-time measurements. The reverse current gradually decreased with increasing proton fluence. The current of the GaN SBD was reduced by 18% after proton irradiations with a displacement-damage dose (Dd) of 1012 MeV/g. We also examined signal and current degradation occurring in a vertical GaN-on-GaN p-n diode (PND) during xenon-ion and gamma-ray irradiations. The signal gradually decreased with increasing xenon-ion fluence. Xenon-ion irradiations of Dd=1012 MeV/g reduced the collected charge in the PND by 11%. This signal degradation was close to the current degradation in the GaN SBD caused by the proton irradiations. We found that irradiation with Dd > ~1012 MeV/g degraded the performance of the GaN devices.

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Date published
  • 01/06/2023
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  • Version of record (Published version)
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