Gapped Dirac materials and quantum valley currents in dual-gated hBN/bilayer-graphene heterostructures
MDR Open Deposited
In gapped Dirac materials, the topological current associated with each valley can flow in opposite directions creating long-range charge-neutral valley currents. We report valley currents in hBN/bilayer-graphene heterostructures with an energy gap, which is tunable by a perpendicular electric (displacement) field in a dual-gated structure. We observed significant nonlocal resistance, consistent with the scaling theory of the valley Hall effect. In the low-temperature limit, the nonlocal resistance approaches a saturated value near the “quantum limit,” indicating the emergence of quantum valley currents.
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- Date published
- 08/02/2024
- Rights statement
- License description
- ©2024 American Physical Society
- Journal
- Manuscript type
- Accepted manuscript
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- Funding reference
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