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Photoluminescence quenching in peapod-derived double-walled carbon nanotubes
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Midgap luminescence centers in single-wall carbon nanotubes created by ultraviolet illumination
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Light-harvesting function of b-carotene inside carbon nanotubes
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Mean free path of inelastic electron scattering in elemental solids and oxides using transmission electron microscopy: Atomic number dependent oscillatory behavior
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Structure and pressure inside Xe nanoparticles embedded in Al
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Doping assisted floating zone crystal growth of decompositional compounds
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疎結合構成によるFRBR モデルに基づく書誌情報システム
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In-Situ Observation of Fiber-Fuse Propagation
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Blog-based research notebook: personal informatics workbench for high-throughput experimentation
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Formation of optical coupling structure between two ends of silica glass optical fibers by inserting tellurite glass melt
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Combinatorial evaluation system for thermal properties of glass materials using a vertical furnace with temperature gradient
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Low loss optical coupling structure between two ends of silica glass optical fibers by inserting TeO2 melt
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Object-oriented virtual sample library: a container of multi-dimensional data for acquisition, visualization and sharing
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Optical fuse by carbon-coated TeO2 glass segment inserted in silica glass optical fiber circuit
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Combinatorial Fluorescence Lifetime Measuring System for Developing Er-Doped Transparent Glass Ceramics
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Optical fuse made of silica glass optical fibers spliced through low-melting glass with carbon-coating
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Multi-dimensional data management by virtual sample library written in object-oriented script language Ruby
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Observation of Blowing Out in Low Loss Passive Optical Fuse Formed in Silica Glass Optical Fiber Circuit
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Animation of fiber fuse damage, demonstrating periodic void formation
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Introduction of Mille-Feuille-Like α/β Layered Structure into Ti–Mo Alloy
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Calculations of electron inelastic mean free paths. XII. Data for 42 inorganic compounds over the 50 eV to 200 keV range with the full Penn algorithm
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Calculations of Mean Escape Depths of Photoelectrons in Elemental Solids Excited by Linearly Polarized X-rays for High-Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy
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Automatic Threshold Prediction of Photoelectron Yield Spectroscopy (PYS) by Machine Learning
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Reduction of the Ordered Magnetic Moment by Quantum Fluctuation in the Antiferromagnetic Spin-5 2 Dimer Compound FeVMoO7
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Evaluation of field-induced magnetic moments in the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic trimerized chain compound Cu3(P2O6OD)2
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Emergent spin-1 Haldane gap and ferroelectricity in a frustrated spin-1/2 ladder
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電子線マイクロアナライザーによるMg-Ge合金の定量 -Mg Kαに対するGeの質量吸収係数の検討- and Electron microprobe analysis of Mg-Ge alloy -Examination of the mass absorption coefficient of Ge for MgKα–
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Calculations of Electron Inelastic Mean Free Paths. XI. Data for Liquid Water for Energies from 50 eV to 30 keV
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G-Quadruplex Structure Improves the Immunostimulatory Effects of CpG Oligonucleotides
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Magnetism of the spin-1 tetramer compound A2Ni2Mo3O12 (A = Rb or K)
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Magnetism of the antiferromagnetic spin-3/2 dimer compound CrVMoO7 having an antiferromagnetically ordered state
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Magnetism of the antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 tetramer compound CuInVO5
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A Possible Magnetic Structure of the Cluster-Based Haldane Compound Fedotovite K2Cu3O(SO4)3
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MDTS: automatic complex materials design using Monte Carlo tree search
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Structure prediction of boron-doped graphene by machine learning
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Monte Carlo tree search for materials design and discovery
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Program for automatic numerical conversion of a line graph (line plot)
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Conduction band caused by oxygen vacancies in aluminum oxide for resistance random access memory
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Summary of ISO/TC 201 Standard: XX ISO 18118: 2004 — Surface chemical analysis — Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy —Guide to the use of experimentally determined relative sensitivity factors for the quantitative analysis of homogeneous materials
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