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National Institute for Materials Science
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[Research Highlights Vol. 92]MANA Scientists Employ Active Machine Learning to Enhance Thermoelectric Performance of Materials
1 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol. 91]MANA Develops Ferroelectric-ferromagnetic Materials for Next-generation Electronics
2 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol. 89]Powering the Future Night and Day: MANA Develops Cutting-Edge Thermoelectric Generator
3 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol. 90]From Bottleneck to Breakthrough: MANA Achieves New Computing Paradigm with Reconfigurable Logic Circuits
4 of 100
Design and development of permanent magnets; how to solve rare-earth criticality while considering new demands?
5 of 100
Effect of nanostructure on the core loss of soft magnetic materials
6 of 100
High Performance Permanent Magnets; How to solve element criticality while considering new demands?
7 of 100
Data-driven approaches for designing thermal insulating materials
8 of 100
Bayesian optimization, an active learning method for optimising experimental parameters
9 of 100
Effect of Zn addition on Nb3Sn layer formation in the Nb/Cu-Sn-Ti diffusion reaction
10 of 100
Nb3Sn wire fabrication using rod-in-tube method with a diffusion couple of Nb and Sn alloy with co-addition of Cu and Zn
11 of 100
Achievement of 120 W at 80 K by Synchronous Operation of Two Single-Stage G-M Cold Heads Driven by a 2 W Class Compressor
12 of 100
Characterization of narrow-band emitting phosphor Na5Al3F14:Eu2+ discovered by local structure similarity
13 of 100
Modulating Defects in Wide Bandgap Tin Perovskite Solar Cells through Molecular Passivation
14 of 100
Disclosing surface adsorptions of oxygen- and hydrogen-terminated diamond via MEMS
15 of 100
Frequency Stability of Higher Order Modes Diamond MEMS Resonator
16 of 100
Spin and orbit torques in artificial alloy thin films and heterostructures
17 of 100
Membrane Nanophotonic Platform for Enhancing Light-Matter Coupling in 2D Transition Metal Dichalcogenides
18 of 100
Interpretable evaluation of STEM images of nanostructures via homology analysis
19 of 100
Spin-orbit torque driven by interfacial chemistry in topological BiSb/NiFe bilayers with Ti insertion
20 of 100
Interpretable Structural Evaluation of Metal-Oxide Nanostructures in STEM Images via Persistent Homology
21 of 100
Deformation-resistant carbides and borides with superior hardness, toughness, and flexural strength up to 2000 °C.
22 of 100
Deformation-resistant carbides and borides with superior hardness, toughness, and flexural strength up to 2000°C
23 of 100
Deformation-resistant multipurpose ultra-high temperature ceramics with superior hardness, toughness, and flexural strength
24 of 100
Deformation-resistant UHTC composites with superior hardness, toughness, and flexural strength up to 2000°C
25 of 100
Daytime Radiative Coolers and Their Applications to Thermoelectric Generation
26 of 100
Harvesting radiative cooling and solar heating with transparent thermoelectric device
27 of 100
Thermal radiation enhancement by thermal extraction of silicon micropyramids
28 of 100
29 of 100
Membrane Nanophotonic Platform for Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayer
30 of 100
Atomic cation vacancy engineering of NiFe-LDH nanosheets towards oxygen evolution reaction
31 of 100
Magnetocaloric materials for cryogenic application
32 of 100
Theoretical investigation of oxidation mechanism in Ti and its alloys
33 of 100
Sulfonated Poly(phenylene sulfone)s with High Ion Exchange Capacity
34 of 100
Colloidal Synthesis of RoHS Compliant Quantum Dots for Optical Applications
35 of 100
Tomography-based Micromagnetic Simulations of Nd-Fe-B Magnets: the Role of Intergranular Phase Nonuniformities
36 of 100
Machine Learning Assisted Optimization of SmFe12-based Alloys
37 of 100
Digital twins of magnetic materials: revealing microstructure-properties correlations
38 of 100
Coercivity Engineering in Nd-Fe-B Hot-deformed Magnets by Grain Boundary Infiltration: Micromagnetic Viewpoint
39 of 100
Data-Driven Development of Magnetic Materials
40 of 100
Tomography-based Micromagnetic Simulations of Nd-Fe-B Hot-Deformed Magnets
41 of 100
Development of high performance permanent magnets; elements criticality, new demands, and extrinsic magnetic properties
42 of 100
Structural Insights into Thermal Conductivity of Amorphous Germanium Using Topological Data Analysis
43 of 100
High sulfonation and membrane properties of polyphenylsulfone (PPSU) for ion exchange device application
44 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol.82]Demystifies Conductivity of Ruthenate Nanosheets, Moving Towards Next-generation Electronics
45 of 100
[MANA E-BULLETIN Vol.16 - Feature] Materials Science × Quantum Material
46 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol.88]Advancing Organic Circuits: MANA Study Changes the Current Computing Architecture
47 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol.86]New Leap in Flexible Electronics: MANA's Breakthrough Doping Innovation
48 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol.83]Novel “Drycell” Microdroplets to Make Handling a Single Cell Easier
49 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol.84]Plasmaron Quasiparticles in Cuprate Superconductors
50 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol.85]High-performance Physical Reservoir Computing with Multi-detection Chaotic Spin Wave Interference
51 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol.87]MANA Scientists Usher in Advances in Thermoelectric Materials
52 of 100
[Research Highlights Vol.81]Towards Inexpensive and Highly Conductive Anion-Exchange Membranes
53 of 100
Highly Nitrogen Doped SrTiO3 Thin Films using Reactive Magnetron Sputtering
54 of 100
High Temperature Electrolyte Membrane Properties of MEA with Nafion and CSPPSU Membranes by Decal Method
55 of 100
Thin Membranes using PFSA-Vinylon Intermediate Layer for PEM Fuel Cells
56 of 100
About ORCID Japan Consortium
57 of 100
PID implementations in NIMS researcher directory and data repository
58 of 100
Review of Damage Evaluation and Remanufacturing for Material Sustainability
59 of 100
Fatigue strength evaluation of 1180MPa class recycled steel
60 of 100
Challenge and Innovations of Carburized Gears for Remanufacturing
61 of 100
Quantitative estimation of coercive force of a magnetic grain by dynamical simulations
62 of 100
Materials Data Repository metadata schema and cross-database federation
63 of 100
Reliability Evaluation of Novel Core-in-Sheath-Type Carbon/Glass Hybrid Thermoplastic Composite Rods
64 of 100
Effects of Elemental Doping and Interface Engineering on Spin-Orbit Torques in CoSi-based Topological Semimetal Thin Films
65 of 100
Spin current generation in highly conductive Ru/Cu epitaxial heterostructures
66 of 100
Nano artificial alloys in bulk-immiscible Ru-Cu system for spin-current generation
67 of 100
Unveiling Key Factors and Design Implications for Enhancing Li Diffusion in Garnet Ionic Conductors
68 of 100
Estimation of Inelastic Mean Free Paths in Au and Cu from Their Elastic Peak Intensity Ratios without IMFP Values of Reference Material in The 200 – 5000 eV Energy Range
69 of 100
Sulfonation Properties of Polyphenylsulfone
70 of 100
Calculations of Electron Inelastic Mean Free Paths in Solids over the 10 eV to 200 keV Energy Range with the Relativistic Full Penn Algorithm
71 of 100
Calculations and Measurements of Electron Inelastic Mean Free Paths in Solids
72 of 100
Electron Inelastic Mean Free Paths in Liquid Water for Energies from10 eV to 10 keV
73 of 100
Analysis of electron inelastic scattering in solids over wide energy range and its application to surface chemical analysis
74 of 100
Design of transparent thermal insulating thin films of nanoscale-layered oxides
75 of 100
Nano-Indentation Measurement for Heat Resistant Alloys at Elevated Temperatures in Inert Atmosphere
76 of 100
Numerical calculation and finite element analysis for anisotropic elastic properties of carbon fibers: Dependence of integration subinterval and mesh size on indentation-derived elastic modulus
77 of 100
Relationship Extraction with Weakly Supervised Learning Based on Process-Structure-Property-Performance Reciprocity
78 of 100
Forced Gradient Copolymer for Rational Design of Mussel-Inspired Adhesives and Dispersants
79 of 100
Understanding the evolution of a de novo molecule generator via characteristic functional group monitoring
80 of 100
Data-Driven Design of Transparent Thermal Insulating Nanoscale Layered Oxides
81 of 100
CrySPY: a crystal structure prediction tool accelerated by machine learning
82 of 100
Important Descriptors and Descriptor Groups of Curie Temperatures of Rare-earth Transition-metal Binary Alloys
83 of 100
Automatic exhaustive calculations of large material space by Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker coherent potential approximation method — Applied to equiatomic quaternary high entropy alloys
84 of 100
Prediction of continuous cooling transformation diagram for weld heat affected zone by machine learning
85 of 100
Evidence-based recommender system for high-entropy alloys
86 of 100
Evidence-based data mining method to reveal similarities between materials based on physical mechanisms
87 of 100
Function Decomposition Tree with Causality-First Perspective and Systematic Description of Problems in Materials Informatics
88 of 100
Efficient autonomous material search method combining ab initio calculations, autoencoder, and multi-objective Bayesian optimization
89 of 100
Fiber fuse propagation modes for typical single-mode fibers
90 of 100
Inelastic Scattering of Electrons in Solids
91 of 100
A high voltage aqueous proton battery using an optimized operation of a MoO3 positive electrode
92 of 100
Light and voids of fiber fuse: precise comparison of in situ image and fused fibers
93 of 100
Virtual heat treatment for γ-γ′ two-phase Ni-Al alloy on the materials Integration system, MInt
94 of 100
Materials Data Platform: a constellation of systems to promote materials data-oriented science
95 of 100
[MANA E-BULLETIN Vol.1 - Feature] "Bottom Up Fundamental Research" for Sowing the Seeds of Future Innovation
96 of 100
[MANA E-BULLETIN Vol.15 - Feature] An interview with Jinhua Ye, MANA Principal Investigator
97 of 100
[MANA E-BULLETIN Vol.10 - Feature] An Interview with Prominent WPI-MANA Researcher
98 of 100
[MANA E-BULLETIN Vol.14 - Feature] An interview with MANA scientists in NIMS’ Quantum Materials Project
99 of 100
[MANA E-BULLETIN Vol.4 - Feature] Next Generation Innovative Organic Electronics
100 of 100
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